Let’s be clear – what do we really want for our kids?

Cathy Adams Be U: Raising Whole and Courageous Kids, Books, self-aware parenting, Writing 0 Comments

When I ask parents this question, the most common response is:  I just want my kids to be happy. This is great in concept, but what does this really mean? Be honest – what does happiness really mean to you?  Do you want your children to work super hard so they are the smartest in class?  Do you want them to constantly …

Banning Bossy: It’s not about the word, it’s about the conversation

Cathy Adams Books, Personal Reflection, self-aware parenting 2 Comments

People create things based on their own experience. And in Sheryl Sandburg’s experience, “bossy” made her feel wrong or maybe uncomfortable. Obviously it didn’t hold her back, but when people used it with her, the energy must have felt negative or at the very least unbalanced when compared to boys. I have noticed that there are many negative articles and …


Cathy Adams Writing 0 Comments

Amy Duffin is back with another great guest blog! Some great reminders here for anyone who is trying to be everything to everyone…. SUPERWOMAN.  We’ve all seen her.  She resides in many of our towns. Sometimes she is in magazines or even on TV.  From afar, she looks perfect.  She has this confidence about her, her outfits are put together …

What I tend to forget over and over again

Cathy Adams Writing 2 Comments

As I sit in front of the ocean I think about the smallness of me. I am humbled by the vastness of the water. I think about when I would play in the ocean as a kid and the tide would take me under. As scary and uncomfortable as those moments could be, I never questioned what was happening. I …

Working the Work Life Balance

Cathy Adams Writing 2 Comments

By Guest Blogger Amy Duffin Work Life Balance.  I am not sure who came up with this term, but to most women, it’s something we dream about, but find it difficult to have.  As valuable as a winning lottery ticket, achieving work life balance means that we would actually have the time to meet the expectations of our career AND …

“Selfie” points out insecurities and reminds us to look deeper

Cathy Adams Writing 3 Comments

Today several people emailed me the short film “Selfie” that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival.  It shines a bright light on how girls feel shame or discomfort about their appearance, but in reality, their beauty radiates through their differences. I had tears while watching it – for myself, for past generations, for my daughters. I am overwhelmed by how …

The teacher needs a teacher

Cathy Adams Family Stories, Personal Reflection, self-aware parenting 1 Comment

Early yesterday morning I taught my college students. We talked about how they need to take care of themselves so they can best utilize their skills. In the middle of the day I worked with elementary school students.  We talked about how important it is for them to appreciate who they are and make themselves a priority. At night, I …

10 Harmonious Practices for 2014

Cathy Adams Personal Reflection, self-aware parenting 0 Comments

1.       Quiet meditation (quiet time, going inside, call it what you want) When I don’t do it, I can tell. I get impatient faster and I get annoyed more often.  It’s more difficult to recognize how I contribute to every situation, and even worse, it’s difficult to access that place deep down inside that recognizes the amazingness of life. 2.       …

What do you want to practice this year?

Cathy Adams Uncategorized 0 Comments

I think resolutions are great.  Until they aren’t.  Too often they turn into another burden, another opportunity for self shaming, yet another attempt to do it all perfectly this year. While I am always interested in deeper awareness and better choices, I am not interested in burdens, shame, or thoughts that say I should be “better”. But I am interested …

Teaching 5th grade girls to love themselves

Cathy Adams Be U: Raising Whole and Courageous Kids, self-aware parenting 3 Comments

What do 5th grade girls need? They need to know they are OK and not alone. They need to know they have adults who will support and understand them.  They need to know they are worthy and valuable, just as they are. Venturing into the world of preadolescence can be scary and uncomfortable, but it can also be fun and …

Believing in Santa

Cathy Adams Personal Reflection 0 Comments

When I was 8 or 9 years old, I remember lying in bed on Christmas Eve thinking about Santa. The funny thing was I wasn’t really envisioning gifts or the way he would get in my house, I was just feeling so, so, good, and everything seemed magical. I always think about that when I think of Santa. Of course …

Where joy really comes from

Cathy Adams Family Stories, self-aware parenting 0 Comments

I picked up my daughter from Kindergarten today and she said, “I just feel so like me today….I love feeling like me.” As we walked to the car she held my hand, skipped, and hummed. Today she wore hand-me-down clothes from her sisters, some barrettes she found under her bed, and some bright blue shoes. We didn’t have any planned …

3 Myths About Introverts

Cathy Adams Personal Reflection, self-aware parenting 0 Comments

“Introvert” tends to bring up an image of a shy person in a corner, or an insecure person at home alone.  But over the years I have learned that introversion isn’t about shyness or insecurity, it’s about where and how you derive your energy. Extroverts tend to get their energy from outside stimulation, and introverts tend to find it from …