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Amy Duffin is back with another great guest blog! Some great reminders here for anyone who is trying to be everything to everyone….

SUPERWOMAN.  We’ve all seen her.  She resides in many of our towns. Sometimes she is in magazines or even on TV.  From afar, she looks perfect.  She has this confidence about her, her outfits are put together and her hair and makeup always look good. At work, she is a rainmaker. She has a successful career and seems to have it all.  Somehow she manages to keep it all together with the kids and make it look easy. 

Many of us compare ourselves to SUPERWOMAN and wonder why we haven’t achieved “SUPERWOMAN” status yet.  If we only worked harder, were more organized, had the confidence or the patience to be that ultimate Mom or career woman. 

When you get to know her, you finally realize, she’s just like us, and she has challenges like we do, but she’s figured a few things out.  She knows what she wants and she’s willing to work hard to have it. She surrounds herself with the best resources she can to be the woman she wants to be.  

The SUPERWOMEN I know, have a few important things in common, even though they are each unique in their own way.

  •  They are confident, but humble enough to ask for help because they realize, they can’t do it all without the right support in place.
  • They think creatively to find their strengths and build their success around them.
  • They are resilient.  They have experienced life’s ups and downs, problems and setbacks, but they find a way to pick up the pieces, get stronger as a result, and march on.
  • They are resourceful. They tap into people who have tackled the same challenges or problems and come up with solutions. Then, they put those solutions into action.
  • Most importantly, they don’t give up. They are passionate about being the best they can be for themselves and for their families.

The SUPERWOMEN we see out there really are SUPER WOMEN.  Ones that we can learn from, network with, and maybe even help someday.  So the next time you see her, invite her over for a cup of coffee or send her an email and ask her for her best tips.  You never know what she will share.

Contact Amy Duffin at workingwomenresources@gmail.com.