Empathy and the ability to feel your feelings

Cathy Adams Dear Girls 1 Comment

  We were built to feel our feelings, even when feelings don’t feel very good. Anger, sadness, feeling left out – not enjoyable. But we all know these feelings intimately, they come and go throughout our lives. They are wonderful teachers, offering an appreciation for the happier moments and calmer times. They also create a sense of compassion and empathy …

The choice and power of words

Cathy Adams Dear Girls 1 Comment

In a moment it can feel really good to yell at someone, to release the anger through words. It’s like unloading heaviness onto someone else for awhile, like a momentary relief. But later we are left feeling guilty and ashamed, with the realization that we were irresponsible. We forgot to pay attention. We lost sight of what was real and most important.