Are you supporting your partner instead of listening to your own internal knowing? Are you choosing to support rather than voice your opinion? Supporting your partner and kids is important, but if you do it by hurting yourself, it can create resentment and disconnection. Cathy and Todd go deep on this one (think Zen Parenting grad school) and ask listeners to practice extreme self awareness. If you take care of yourself first, and do what feels right, it may create an environment for others to do the same.
Cathy talks about Emerging Women, the conference she attended in New York this weekend. There were so many amazing speakers, and they all shared a similar message. Success comes from the inside, find your joy, and make a life, not a living. It’s time to bring female leadership into the workplace and into the world – it will lead to greater strength, compassion, forgiveness, creativity, and balance.
Other Resources
We invite you to attend a live webinar with us titled How is your Child Sleeping? It’s on Wednesday, October 22nd @ 8:00 Central. The discussion revolves around assessing your child’s sleep behavior and the effects on overall development. Register by clicking here. $15.00 to register. An inspirational story related to this workshop can be found below. It’s called “Finding Connor Deegan”
Shameless plug for Cathy’s sister’s S.O.S. Pads campaign- Who knew?
Todd co-facilitates The Tribe and is now accepting applications for his 2015 retreat. Highlights of last years retreat can be found here.
Click the following links to purchase Cathy’s books The Self-Aware Parent Part 1 & and Part 2
Click here to find her blog, and click here to find her Chicago Parent column.
Todd has a few spots opening for his Men’s Group. Email me @
Tree of Life Chiropractic Care have some interesting workshops planned. An outline can be found here.
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