Cathy and Todd follow up on last week’s ADHD discussion because they received some not-so-happy feedback from some listeners.  They address the fact that often times when a child is medicated, it can be a very difficult and well thought out decision, it’s not always thought of as a quick fix.  But in too many cases, it’s the first choice, and that’s where a new perspective or different options may make a difference.

They also take issue with a Colorado school that implemented a no running/yelling rule during recess on the play ground.  How is this possible?  Isn’t the whole point of recess to run, yell, and play?  No wonder children have issues with managing their own behavior in the classroom – they aren’t allowed to get their energy out during recess!

Todd pats himself on the back when he gives to a honorable charity, but it hasn’t always been an easy decision, he’s been conned into giving to false charities in the past.   But it’s not worth it to be cynical, we need to keep an open heart and mind.

Cathy and Todd announce the winners of the Tournament of Bad March Madness contest, and then finish by addressing one of their listeners questions about a sweet, but sometimes aggressive 7 year old.  Sometimes he’s just too rough, and mom doesn’t know how to handle it.