In honor of Mother’s Day, we invited our moms to talk about what we were like as kids.  We also talk about the changes that have taken place from the time they were kids (a.k.a. the olden days) to  raising us in the 70’s – we also discuss how their grandchildren are being raised. We get nostalgic and we have a lot of laughs. We love our moms!

Our guest Dr. Shefali Tsabary is about to rocket into the Oprah stratosphere.  She’ll be on Oprah’s Soul Series and Life Class on Sunday, May 18th.  Time to set your DVR’s.

Click here to find Cathy’s books The Self-Aware Parent 1 & 2click here to find her blog, and click here to find her Chicago Parent column.

Todd has a few spots opening for his Men’s Group.  Email me @

Tree of Life Chiropractic Care have some interesting workshops planned.  An outline can be found here.

If you shop Amazon by going through our website first (there is an amazon link on the bottom right hand of our home page), a portion of your sale will help fund our Be U program.  Thanks for supporting us!

Check out our new website & be sure to sign up to get all new podcast sent direct to your inbox @ ZPR.

We would love to hear any comments from the show by sending us an email @

You can be sure to hear more by liking our Facebook page @

How important is a good smile?  Just ask our new partner John J Kelly DDS.  They are located on the northwest side of Chicago and will meet all of your family’s dental needs.

Painting or remodeling?  Don’t forget about our parnter Avid Co.