Todd and Cathy talk with Leana Greene, Founder of Kids in the House. After becoming a mother of three, Greene decided to focus on raising her family and developed a strong passion for parenting and education. She spent her time reading parenting books and attending lectures to gain as much knowledge as possible. Realizing that many parents were busy like her, Greene strove to create a comprehensive resource that was quick and easy to use. In 2013, after spending years doing research and filming over 450 parenting experts, Greene launched Kids in the House. With over 8,000 videos, the website is now the world’s largest parenting video library. It also serves as a tool to raise awareness on issues like bullying through social campaigns such as #EndBullying, which launched in 2014 and was publically supported by figures such as Beyoncé, Jeff Probst, and Brook Burke-Charvet.
Other Resources
Parent/Daughter date night!!! Next in is our ZPR community screenings is a documentary called The Empowerment Project brought to you by Zen Parenting Radio and CCS. This film documents ordinary women doing extraordinary things. It’s on Monday, May 18th @ York Theater in Elmhurst. Click here for tickets.
Mother’s Day Virtual Retreat Info
Cathy’s 3rd book, Living What You Want Your Kids To Learn- The POWER of Self-Aware Parenting, is now on sale! Go here to order your book.
Click the following links to purchase Cathy’s books The Self-Aware Parent Part 1 & and Part 2
Click here to find her blog, and click here to find her Chicago Parent column.
Todd has a few spots opening for his Men’s Group. Email me @
Tree of Life Chiropractic Care have some interesting workshops planned. An outline can be found here.
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