Have you ever heard of Kawasaki Disease? Chris and Monisha Lozier’s daughter Mae was a healthy and happy 4 year old until she got swollen glands and a fever. They found themselves living in a hospital for the next 9 days and eventually discovered their daughter had Kawasaki Disease. This is is an immune disease in which the medium-sized blood vessels throughout the body become inflamed. It’s cause is unknown, and it’s largely seen in children under five years of age. It affects many organ systems, and it’s rarest and most serious effects are on the heart – it can cause fatal coronary artery aneurysms in untreated children.
Chris and Monisha takes us through their experience with Mae and how they eventually arrived at this diagnosis. They talk about advocating for your child in a hospital, misdiagnoses, and the blessings that can arise from such a challenging experience.
No worries listeners, the story ends well (Mae just received a completely clear heart scan, she’s doing great!), but it is an important and interesting story that will keep us better informed. We hope you enjoy.
Other resources:
Come see us @ Green Fair on the Fox in Batavia, IL on Saturday, August 9th from 9:00-3:00 @ Peg Bond Center 151 N Island Ave
Click the following links to purchase Cathy’s books The Self-Aware Parent Part 1 & and Part 2
Click here to find her blog, and click here to find her Chicago Parent column.
Todd has a few spots opening for his Men’s Group. Email me @ comments@zenparentingradio.com
Tree of Life Chiropractic Care have some interesting workshops planned. An outline can be found here.
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How important is a good smile? Just ask our new partner John J Kelly DDS. They are located on the northwest side of Chicago and will meet all of your family’s dental needs.
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