Before talking to your kids about sex, you better know how you feel about it. Cathy and Todd share their views, but they challenge you to figure out what is best for your family. PS – If you don’t talk to your kids about sex, you may need to listen to the show that precedes us- Parenting Unplugged Radio on They talk to the author of “Get Me Out: a history of childbirth from the Garden of Eden to the Sperm Bank” – It’s scary, hilarious and quite eye opening.
Comments 10
Excellent discussion, Cathy and Todd! Lots of helpful advice about a topic that can be tough to cover.
Thank you Deb! It’s tough, but OH so important. Here’s to healthy discussion!
My perspective on sexuality is coming from different aspects. First my own personal body, next having gone through my now adult children sexuality phases, and currently as a grandmother listening and talking with my grandchildren about their body questions, This is my truth, answer whatever questions truthfully and holistically, use the anatomical names for body parts, and teach that they control their bodies. In raising children this way, sometimes they may embarass you , but hey, sometimes you embarass them. Keep up the good work Todd and Cathy!
thank you Miss Linda…I love your perspective!
darn, i cant remember…
Hi Cathy and Todd,
I just heard your show … great job and right on the mark with what parents need to be doing to support healthy sexuality for their kids!
I am a community outreach educator for a community health center in NH. I teach comprehensive sexuality education beginning with puberty in 5th grade and continuing through grades 6-9th grades as well as doing some work with students up through 12th grade. I also coordinate a reproductive health clinic for teens.
Most schools do what you talked about, address body parts and function. My curriculum is pretty extensive and covers the physical aspects as well as emotional aspects, decision making, sexual responsibility, relationships and while supporting the development of healthy sexuality, self esteem and mutual respect. I also provide parenting support, classes, etc.
Unfortunately, my program suffered a huge budget cut and we will only be to continue outreach to 8th and 9th grades as well as reduced clinic services. Truly a tragedy!
In response, fueled by my passion for the topic and to help support parents in this important role, I am in the process of launching a new web based 12 week program called The Sex Talk Series for Parents to support the ongoing conversation.
Keep on keeping on with your program! And I love Cathy’s house gathering idea!
Sorry for the delay in response. It slipped through the cracks. Sad indeed regarding your program. Once your website is up and running, let me know. We’d be happy to give it a shout out on the show.
Sorry for the delay in response. It slipped through the cracks. Sad indeed regarding your program. Once your website is up and running, let me know. We’d be happy to give it a shout out on the show.
ps do you have a facebook page?
Oops. I think my comment that I made on the previous show was meant for the comments on this show
Wow. This guy really gets it!