Cathy and Todd talk with Sarah Edmonson and Anthony “Nippy” Ames from the A Little Bit Culty Podcast and HBO’s Documentary The Vow. They discuss how we can recognize cultish influence all around us – in the way we use language and jargon, in our communities and groups, and of course, our politics — none of us are completely immune to it. Those of us who consider ourselves seekers – or those of us who consider ourselves teachers, coaches, or healers – can pay attention to how power can distort, how a certain status, belief or community can make us feel more special than others. As parents we need to talk to our kids about this, how a relationship can initially feel good, but then become abusive, how we can slowly be pulled into something that initially feels cool, but then becomes uncomfortable – and most important, how we can teach our kids to question what doesn’t feel right, ask for help, and build a relationship with them where they know we are available to listen and support. Cathy shares how important Sarah and Nippy have been in her life, and how their decisions and dedication to help others continues to be inspiring.
- Subscribe to Cathy’s weekly Zen Parenting Moment
- Buy Cathy’s Book Zen Parenting: Caring for Ourselves and Our Children in an Unpredictable World
- ZPR/MenLiving Nami Walk
Scarred: The True Story of How I Escaped NXIVM, the Cult That Bound My Life – by Sarah Edmundson
Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism – Amanda Montell
Cult Expert Steven Hassan’s Freedom of Mind Resource Center
All things ZPR can be found on our Resources Page
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