Cathy and Todd discuss anxiety, how and why it shows up, and why it’s important topic of conversation in every home. They discuss their documentary screening of Angst: Normalizing the Conversation Around Anxiety on Monday, September 11th, 7pm, at York Theater. This movie is a perfect opportunity to open an important conversation and normalize what’s been stigmatized. It’s appropriate for kids 10+, and it’s highly recommended for all parents and teens. They share the wisdom of Michael Singer from his book The Untethered Soul, and what it means to have a “voice in our head”. They also discuss Hurricane Harvey, how to give, and why we need to stay focused on hope. Click here to get tickets to the screening of Angst at York Theater on Sept 11th.
Show Notes/Time Stamps/Resources
1:20 Hurricane Harvey discussion
6:40 Text 909-99 “Harvey” To give $10.00 for aid to the victims of Hurricane Harvey
9:15 Hope- Andy Dufraine YouTube clip
9:53 Screening of Angst @ York Theater on September 11th. Tickets
26:22 Kind Snacks- 10 bars free by going to
27:29 Helping children deal with anxiety
30:44 Trailer of Angst documentary
37:06 Clip from Michael Singer/Oprah Winfrey interview
47:22 Partner’s Corner- ‘Nspired– ZPR’s Website creator, Tree of Life Chiropractic Care, Avid Painting & Remodeling