Cathy and Todd discuss the life-changing mindfulness research of Ellen Langer, author and professor from Harvard who has been researching mindfulness (and mindlessness) since the 70’s. She defines mindfulness as paying attention and being able to notice new things, while recognizing that experiences are based on the words and ideas that we attach to them. Ellen Langer was interviewed by Krista Tippet for the On Being Podcast.
We read an excerpt from Videographer/Storyteller Shawn Boyle. To learn more, you can go to
They also talk about different ways of dealing with sibling rivalry. Todd unveils his new technique in dealing with children being unkind towards one another.
Other Resources
Our Kickstarter campaign has come to an end. We met and surpassed our goal. Thank you so much for all your support. Click here to see what it’s all about… Kickstarter Campaign for the ZPR Conference in March, 2016.Cathy’s 3rd book, Living What You Want Your Kids To Learn won the National Indie Excellence Award! Go here to order your book.
Click the following links to purchase Cathy’s books The Self-Aware Parent Part 1 & and Part 2
Todd has a few spots opening for The Tribe Men’s Group. Email me @
Tree of Life Chiropractic Care have some interesting workshops planned.
If you shop Amazon by going through our website first (there is an amazon link on the bottom right hand of our home page), a portion of your sale will help fund future Zen Parenting programming.
How important is a good smile? Just ask our new partner John J Kelly DDS. They are located on the northwest side of Chicago and will meet all of your family’s dental needs.
Painting or remodeling? Don’t forget about our parnter Avid Co.
Looking for a Vitamix blender? Don’t forget to use our coupon code 06-007296 for free shipping.