Todd and Cathy discuss why our actions dictate our priorities (a Gandhi quote), and how investigation into our priorities tells us a lot about what we think and believe. They also discuss Rob Bell’s new podcast (The Robcast) and his teaching about why “good can be the detriment of best”. They discuss the most recent country music mash up, and Todd shares his favorite scene from The is 40 when the dad (played by Paul Rudd) tries to introduce his wife and daughters to his music. They also share a listener’s audio clip about how her partner has her back, and they share a tournament of bad AND good.
We also discuss the upcoming screening of The Mask You Live In at York Theater in Elmhurst, IL. It’s on Wednesday, March 11th and tickets are limited. Click here to reserve your seats –
Other Resources
We are bring the documentary “The Mask You Live In” to Elmhurst @ 7:00 on Wednesday, March 11th @ York Theater. The trailer is below. To order tickets, please click here.
Cathy’s 3rd book, Living What You Want Your Kids To Learn- The Power of Self-Aware Parenting, is now on sale! Go here to order your book.
It’s winter time which means it’s time for an upgrade on your hat wear. Don’t you owe it to your ears to keep ’em warm? Click here to order.
Todd co-facilitates The Tribe Men’s Group and is now accepting applications for his 2015 retreat. Registration can be found here.
Click the following links to purchase Cathy’s books The Self-Aware Parent Part 1 & and Part 2
Click here to find her blog, and click here to find her Chicago Parent column.
Todd has a few spots opening for his Men’s Group. Email me @
Tree of Life Chiropractic Care have some interesting workshops planned. An outline can be found here.
If you shop Amazon by going through our website first (there is an amazon link on the bottom right hand of our home page), a portion of your sale will help fund our Be U program. Thanks for supporting us!
Check out our new website & be sure to sign up to get all new podcast sent direct to your inbox @ ZPR.
We would love to hear any comments from the show by sending us an email @
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How important is a good smile? Just ask our new partner John J Kelly DDS. They are located on the northwest side of Chicago and will meet all of your family’s dental needs.
Painting or remodeling? Don’t forget about our parnter Avid Co.
Looking for a Vitamix blender? Don’t forget to use our coupon code 06-007296 for free shipping.
Comments 2
This podcast was very timely. The day I heard it was the day after I received a phone call from a gymnastics studio where my 8-year-old daughter had been waitlisted. The class that has the opening is one that my daughter’s very good friend is in. So that was terrific. But the timing of the class was NOT good for us because it is right when I am in the middle of working on dinner. So while it would have been great for her social life, it was not good for our family life. Your podcast made me realize that the decision was easy. We let this first opportunity go by and wait for a timeslot that is better suited for our family…and my sanity! Thanks for the great advice.
Glad it helped Millie!!!