Is it manly to take paternity leave? When Daniel Murphy’s (a player on the New York Mets) wife had a baby, he utilized the paternity leave that is allowed under the collective bargaining agreement set forth by Major League Baseball. But why is he being criticized? Is it “man code” to get back to work as soon as the birth is over? If we are a nation of family values, why do we place work over family?
We also discuss Todd’s blod titled, Am I a Bad Dad? Am I a Bad Husband? where he discusses “traditional” father/mother roles and whether it’s nature, nurture, or gender (or all three?) that influence our ability to parent.
Lastly we review some previous podcasts titled Grieving a Miscarriage and The Business of Being Born and Honey, it’s time!
Todd has a few spots opening for his Men’s Group. Email me @
Tree of Life Chiropractic Care has some interesting workshops planned. An outline can be found here.
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