We all know that most of us are overwhelmed. The question is- what do we do about it? Like most things- it begins with awareness. We get into a discussion based on a book by Brigid Schulte titled –Overwhelmed- Work, Love, & Play When No One Has The Time. We play some clips from an amazing interview she did with NPR’s Terry Gross. Some of the highlights include:
- The idea of “contaminated time”
- Is there a different set of expectations between men and women when it comes to parenting?
- We claim to be a culture of family values- Is this in alignment with the behaviors and policies we currently have?
- Balancing the responsibilities of parenting between mom and dad
- The dangers of being “fun dad”
- The biology that men have in regards to being a nurturer.
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
A New Earth weekly interview with Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle
Hunteryoga.com has created another Daily Practice that begins on March 24th!!! The first week is free. Click the link for more details.
Todd has a few spots opening for his Men’s Group. Email me @ comments@zenparentingradio.com
Tree of Life Chiropractic Care has some interesting workshops planned. An outline can be found here.
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