Why do we get “triggered” by certain people or circumstances? You could call it a “trigger”, or you could call it a “thorn”. A thorn is when you are disturbed because something you are experiencing feels similar to a negative (or uncomfortable, or unresolved, or painful) experience from the past. Instead of feeling/responding to something in present time, the experience can trigger old pain from the past. That makes the present experience feel like too much to bear, and you may respond in an inappropriate or over the top way.
An example is when you are driving and somebody cuts you off – you go from being calm to out of control very quickly, and most likely you are having a response based on old thoughts or experiences (that person thinks he’s better than me, that person doesn’t respect me, that person is a jerk driver just like that guy who hit me 10 years ago….). When we pull up all of that pain into a present-time situation, it’s understandable why we go from 0-60 so quickly.
We played a few clips from an interview between Oprah Winfrey and Michael Singer who authored “The Untethered Soul” We discuss what our thorns are, why it’s best to acknowledge them, and how best to remove them.
We also talk about one of the best guys in the world.
Hunteryoga.com has created another Daily Practice that begins on March 24th!!! The first week is free. Click the link for more details.
Todd has a few spots opening for his Men’s Group. Email me @ comments@zenparentingradio.com
Tree of Life Chiropractic Care has some interesting workshops planned. An outline can be found here.
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