How do we react when our children have an emotional response? Yes, there needs to be some boundaries on how our children treat us, but we must also be aware of our own triggers and take responsibility for the energy we bring. We share a recent experience when our daughter had an emotional response (let’s just say it wasn’t handled perfectly).

We also use the ocean as a metaphor to distinguish between fear and respect.  The easier and quicker lesson is to teach fear, but is there a more effective way to communicate without passing fear down from one generation to the next?

Do you want your kids to like you more?  Ask them to teach you something you don’t know.  I did this last weekend when I asked my girls to tell me about “Frozen”. They lit up because they loved sharing a part of themselves (and teaching me in the process).

We also answer a few questions from some listeners whose partners have different parenting styles.  We also talked about this in podcast our podcas titled “Are You On The Same Page As Your Spouse?”

Want to win a $20.00 Amazon gift card?  The Oscars are this weekend and we want you to “Play the Oscars with ZPR”courtesy of Be U, Inc. Simply subscribe to our podcast by clicking this link and we’ll get you the instructions to play ASAP.  Invite your friends to join!!!

If you shop Amazon by going through our website first (there is an amazon link on the bottom right hand of our home page), a portion of your sale will help fund our Be U program.  Thanks for supporting us!

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Todd’s Men’s Group as a few openings.  Please email @ for details.

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