When was the last time you asked somebody for feedback? Maybe from your partner, your work, or your kids? We discuss the importance of feedback, specifically how to give it, and how to receive it. We also discuss Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s tragic death and how these real life situations can be discussed in the home (for children who are old enough to understand).
We end by talking to Kelly Pietrangeli from MyProjectMe.com Her website and Facebook page is for busy moms, and it’s all about self care. The website is a toolbox for motivation, inspiration and solutions – it’s a place to ‘check in’ with yourself and get back on the right track.
Virtual Relationship Retreat starts this Wednesday, Feb 5th 2014- For individuals, couples, friends, or the workplace. Practice self awareness, develop communication skills, and discover ways to create peaceful and more harmonious relationships. Click here for more details.
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Todd’s Men Adventure Retreat is February 28th through March 2nd. Please email @ comments@zenparentingradio.com for details.
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Comments 1
Thanks so much for having me as a guest on today’s podcast! I really enjoyed chatting to you both and getting to share what Project Me for Busy Mothers is about. LOVE your show! 🙂