Early Reviews for Zen Parenting

Zen Parenting is a big, beautiful, generous book. Through the intuitively elegant framework of the seven chakras, Cathy Adams offers her reader a wealth of meaningful guidance into one's inner self.
She is a calm and gentle teacher, weaving engaging stories and expert advice into a deep and seamless tapestry of personal exploration and parenting wisdom. I learned something new on every page and felt the peace of knowing I was in the safest, surest hands with this author and this book. Cathy integrates the work of experts in most every field imaginable here, but it's in the sharing of her own experiences that makes each paragraph ring with an absolute and certain truth.
I encourage you to protect time to read it slowly, really take it in, and return to it often. This book is my new favorite guide for parenting, to be sure. But it's also a master class in a life well-lived. I love this book. It will become integral to my therapy practice, and my own life.
- Devorah Heitner, PhD author of Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive and Survive in Their Digital World and founder of Raising Digital Natives
- Michelle Icard, Author of Fourteen Talks by Age Fourteen