Working the Work Life Balance

Cathy Adams Writing 2 Comments

By Guest Blogger Amy Duffin Work Life Balance.  I am not sure who came up with this term, but to most women, it’s something we dream about, but find it difficult to have.  As valuable as a winning lottery ticket, achieving work life balance means that we would actually have the time to meet the expectations of our career AND …

“Selfie” points out insecurities and reminds us to look deeper

Cathy Adams Writing 3 Comments

Today several people emailed me the short film “Selfie” that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival.  It shines a bright light on how girls feel shame or discomfort about their appearance, but in reality, their beauty radiates through their differences. I had tears while watching it – for myself, for past generations, for my daughters. I am overwhelmed by how …

The teacher needs a teacher

Cathy Adams Family Stories, Personal Reflection, self-aware parenting 1 Comment

Early yesterday morning I taught my college students. We talked about how they need to take care of themselves so they can best utilize their skills. In the middle of the day I worked with elementary school students.  We talked about how important it is for them to appreciate who they are and make themselves a priority. At night, I …

10 Harmonious Practices for 2014

Cathy Adams Personal Reflection, self-aware parenting 0 Comments

1.       Quiet meditation (quiet time, going inside, call it what you want) When I don’t do it, I can tell. I get impatient faster and I get annoyed more often.  It’s more difficult to recognize how I contribute to every situation, and even worse, it’s difficult to access that place deep down inside that recognizes the amazingness of life. 2.       …